Monday, May 25, 2020

just another 2 weeks unpaid work

Two weeks since last post. This weekend I actually didn't lose twelve million dollars on the Saturday, but sure as hell just had a top 5 worst Sundays of my life...naturally, to keep up with the 100% lifetime record of a devastatingly impossible losing day after every significant winning day of my life. Simply unimaginable.

I won an $880 ticket yesterday for a Venom $2650 ticket and a game went off tonight. Utterly cunted bvb TT into QQ... lights out!

Won about 3 hands over 10 hours for a total of 2 grand done across all sites. Approaching 6 months now aren't we? 6 months no wages whatsoever, WPN account stands at -$16,000 pre rb. Table tamer is being a massive cunt not helped by the fact the owner no long provides support yet has the fucking audacity to raise the price of the consistently failing piece of there are no substitutes for it I'll never know.

Meanwhile alien demons like Fedor Holz just walk to the final table in every high roller they play, by doing really skillful things like calling 40bb cold 4bet shoves with 22 and rivering flushes vs QQ. That's right ladies and gents, this spasticated behaviour is all that's required to become a bajillionaire in poker....if you're an alien who controls your own life.






Sunday, May 10, 2020

200 roulette reds in a row

Easily the 200th if not more Saturday in a row of over 1k losses. Completely mathematically impossible.

Saturday being the first day of the rake race week as you know, I've once again re-adjusted the attitude, found the motivation and sat down with the intention of at least 10 hours. 2 grand spunked in 7hrs. Won't be continuing. Week in week out the same identical bullshit. It's utterly vile lies and deceit. Pretty sure there's not a casino on earth ever recorded 200+ reds (or blacks) in a row, it's probably like 1% chance to get over 20 or some shit, without even bothering to look it up. On WPN am now -$16,000 pre rb...and not alot different post rb as I've hardly made any of that either.

If I was my backer, I'd be dropping me like hot rocks and cutting my losses.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

a post

Whether or not I'm gonna remain regular posting for a while or not I don't know. But as of this second I feel like I will.

Another disgusting day. Am now $1600 down from peak on Stars which was 6 weeks to 2 months or so ago having completed the 400% rb promotion thingy. At around abi $13 that's 125 bi's. Extremely standard you might say, but none so extremely FREQUENT on this planet than me.

Looking around at what people are making money in now, even the 6m hypers have better ROI's than what they did a few years ago before a bunch of regs got pissed off with Scamaya and left. A few guys are making 30/40c a game in the 16 man shootout hyper sats and playing loike 500+ of them a day. One guy is making over $70k a year with no big a downswing than $2k, which is pretty sick. I've played a few these in the last few years, and here's what it looks like.

LMFAOOOOOOOO!!! Ok 6k hands is nothing, probably half a days work for 500 games but it's over time at just trying to satty into certain MTT's.

It seems 50c/game can be achieved at the old $15 6m hypers too. An easy living to be made really, so many options too, other sites, great rakeback deals everywhere, it's not exactly a poker boom atm but the closest thing we were probably ever gonna get to it, all these mediocre players with terrible leaks and so on, making an easy $500+ a week.

And then there's me. Just cannot cannot cannot cannot win a single race ever. It's just fucking insane.

Today's 9 hours, 150 turbos.

Whatever I choose to play, I have absolutely no control whatsoever over a damn thing. Every defend vs my open hits, literally every single one. Every defend I make I miss, by a mile, every single one. I might hit 12th pair every 100 defends. It's just gobsmackingly insane. I just check back everything now, cbet down to 1%, I can't win with the nuts....half tempted to fold my royals. And I'm gonna keep blogging about it until some fucker will back me to take this to the law.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

This is my own matrix, you don't exist

The thread title is the only possible, possible explanation there can be to my life, especially poker. If that's the case then you don't exist. So I'm writing to no one. Everyone I interact with, anywhere, I am sub-conscious control of their responses and actions towards me.

But I'm still posting anyway in case there's a 2% chance this is a real world.

I cannot emphasise any more words in this blog that haven't been repeated a thousand times. Except to say that the runnings are getting so so so beyond the imaginary that I'm petrified for my life. For there to be thousands upon thousands of set ups, day in day out, so that literally no entity on earth could make a single dime from this card distribution (don't care if your Stu Ungar's love child), can mean only one thing, my makers are doing all of it. Scary to think you're really not alone....and also wonder, just what's the fucking point in it?

Still one hundred % minimum -$1250 every single weekend on WPN, if not then 95% without a shadow about that. While fucking horrendous players continue to make soaring amounts, it's totally incomprehensible.

Then you watch Fedor and Epiphany play one game in months, and take it down every time. Like if either of them play they've got to be 50% favourite out of any number of players in the field. Fedor reached the FT of a 10k the other night and binked no fewer than 4 full houses in a row in critical scenarios. Something me and a few players on skype, of infinity times more games than him, all shared that never happened in our 30+ million combined hands history...yet he does this game in game out, with a total amount of 10k games ever played in his life. This isn't to be bitter about another person's success or anything like that, it's purely proof that I'm in a matrix. I don't even ask to receive luck, just to stop receiving horrendous trillions to one math against me every day of my miserable cunt life.

That'll never happen...becuz you don't exist, this is my matrix...and I'm dying to know why I have to suffer like this.

Around 13,000 Stars SnG's, 3 years. yes that's predominantly t1500 starting stacks.